Все новости: Архив

2014: Get behind the scenes of SOCHI2014 digital strategy

2 декабря на фестивале Eurobest Александр Чижиков, директор по стратегическому планированию Articul Media, раскроет все секреты digital-стратегии олимпийских игр в Сочи.

Articul Media - Digital Strategy Behind Sochi2014: How to Create a Digital Experience That Will Win Hearts & Minds of Your Consumers

  • How do you draw the consumer's attention at the digital age? Go behind the scenes to gain inspiration from the world’s biggest “digital campaign” - first ever “digital” Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

  • Articul Media will show their most inspiring and large-scale activations that were done for the Olympics. Discover their integrated digital strategy of the Sochi-2014 Olympics and its implementation in official websites & mobile apps, official social media communities.

  • It's the largest digital activation that was done for the Olympics – the unique digital experience covering more than 130 million consumers worldwide.

Еще в архиве 33 новости за 2014 год
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